Monday, 19 October 2009

These are the questions the consultation is asking, can you read them and not get angy.

Question 1 Do you agree that these proposals strike the right balance between the rights of parents to home educate and the rights of children to receive a suitable education?


Definitely, definitely not! We can decide what we are doing in our own time. I was definitely not receiving a suitable education at school. In law at the moment it holds the parent accountable for the child’s education but you want to control what the parent teaches. It is an injustice to the people of the home educating community. At least you are teaching us how there are horrible mean people in this world, so I guess you are doing something for our education. if this law does get passed at least you will have to tell people about home education existing.

The world is my classroom and life is my curriculum. How does a baby learn to walk how does a baby learn to talk, they are not sat in a classroom learning the mechanics of it. And don’t think I am giving you ideas.

Home educated children are less likely to be abused than most children.

This is what most home educated children think about what you are trying to do.

Question 2 Do you agree that a register should be kept?


Definitely, definitely not!. Even if you had it you probably couldn’t protect vulnerable children like in the case of baby Peter, where a doctor saw him the day before he died. What we are doing is legal so there is no need to register.

This is what most home educated children think about what you are trying to do.

Question 3 Do you agree with the information to be provided for registration?


I would not dream of planning my education, I do not want to be anything at all, at all, at all, like school I hope I have made that clear enough. The questions you are asking me make me feel sick. That anyone could think that they have rights into our homes making accusations about dead children, involving home educating to prove your point when everybody knew about them but didn’t protect them. You are making such a mess of this that it is a surprise that we are said to be a free country.

This is what most home educated children think about what you are trying to do.

4 Do you agree that home educating parents should be required to keep the register up to date?


No register and if there was do your own admin.

This is what most home educated children think about what you are trying to do.

5 Do you agree that it should be a criminal offence to fail to register or to provide inadequate or false information?


The response I am not writing down is a very rude word. It is a legal choice to home educate, how can it be criminal and the thought of a register makes me feel sick.

This is what most home educated children think about what you are trying to do.

6 a) Do you agree that home educated children should stay on the roll of their former school for 20 days after parents notify that they intend to home educate?


More swearing suppressed. If I had had to stay in my old school for 20 more days I would still be waiting to recover all the confidence I have now three years later. The school I went to made me feel stupid because they just didn’t understand. Their special needs provision was and probably still is appalling. Next you will be making our parents train as teachers, oops got to stop giving you ideas! I did not know this world was so horrible, it seems like horrible people are the only ones who want power.

This is what most home educated children think about what you are trying to do.

6 b) Do you agree that the school should provide the local authority with achievement and future attainment data?


I tried my best in school but all I ever got were the lowest grades. They had this certificate system but the bullies got more than me. School knew nothing about who I really was and nothing about what I could achieve

‘Each week: 450,000 children are bullied in school

Each year: more than 360,000 children injured in schools

Each year: at least 16 children commit suicide as a result of school bullying

Each year: an estimated 1 million children truant

Each year: more than 1 in 6 children leave school unable to read, write or add up

Every Child Matters?’

This is what most home educated children think about what you are trying to do.

7 Do you agree that DCSF should take powers to issue statutory guidance in relation to the registration and monitoring of home education?


Could you start asking sensible questions, never in my wildest dreams would I agree with you on this. You make me feel sick. I did not know this world was so horrible.

This is what most home educated children think about what you are trying to do.

8 Do you agree that children about whom there are substantial safeguarding concerns should not be home educated?


I am not going to dignify this question with an answer.

This is what most home educated children think about what you are trying to do.

9 Do you agree that the local authority should visit the premises where home education is taking place provided 2 weeks notice is given?


You know what you guys are like, you are like a slug, you are in our garden all the time, you are feeding on our food and we can’t get rid of you!

You make me feel sick. I did not know this world was so horrible.

This is what most home educated children think about what you are trying to do.

Question 10 Do you agree that the local authority should have the power to interview the child, alone if this is judged appropriate, or if not in the presence of a trusted person who is not the parent/carer?


I would rather eat a slug than talk to the local authority officer!

This is what most home educated children think about what you are trying to do.

11 Do you agree that the local authority should visit the premises and interview the child within four weeks of home education starting, after 6 months has elapsed, at the anniversary of home education starting, and thereafter at least on an annual basis? This would not preclude more frequent monitoring if the local authority thought that was necessary.


Local authority officers will never be welcome in my home. You are not meant to know there are so many horrible people in the world by the age of 11.

This is a total waste of money!

Why not spend the money making this work better?

This is what most home educated children think about what you are trying to do.

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